Monday, April 24, 2017

Girls' Trip - The Weekend Has Just Begun - Part I

The sun shone brightly, blinding Sarah, who sat in the passenger seat, while her best friend, Melinda, navigated the winding road toward their weekend getaway.  Terry and Dot sat in back, singing to the tunes on the radio. All four women felt pumped for their long needed weekend away from reality.
They had rented a cabin, as they did every year, and this time they finally got the long awaited and coveted beach cabin. They would have their own private fire pit and lawn chairs provided by the resort.  Fresh logs would be delivered each morning, as if they had never set them on fire the evening before. Well, sometimes. Some of their attempts to start a fire didn’t go as planned and they either required assistance or joined someone else’s bonfire.
Last year, they bent the long bic lighter, went through all the kindling, and still had no fire to show for it, except some funny pictures and memories.
The wind blew through her long, light brown, curly hair, she breathed the fresh air in deeply, and a smile spread on her lips. She felt lazy and sleepy from the fresh June breeze. She thought about the wonderful massage she would have the next day and reminded herself not to overdo the drinking tonight.  She didn’t want to oversleep and miss the appointment.
They used to schedule a day of golfing and then realized how foolish it was since they never went.  Dot and Sarah always liked to take advantage of the massages though. They would arrive and unpack, perhaps relax for a few moments with a cocktail before one of them took their turn cooking a meal, and one of them whipped up a special beverage.
By the time it was 800 in the evening, they would get dressed up for the bar where they would sing karaoke until bar close.  Then they would finally end their evening with a bonfire on the beach, maybe they saw the sun rise before they crashed in their beds. Some of the ladies crashed alone and some did not.  To each their own. Saturday would likely be a repeat of Friday and then they would trudge home on Sunday, hung over, and more worn out by the reality of the upcoming week.
However, today was Friday, and their fun had not yet begun.  Her smile grew. As she opened her eyes the women in the back belted out the chorus to Don’t Stop Believing by Journey and she finally saw the sign for the resort. Casper’s on Pelican Lake. She sat up in the passenger seat. Excitement swept over her and she thought about that cosmo she really wanted to make as soon as they got settled into their cabin.
They bounced a little when the car went over a speed bump. They waved at the security guard sitting in the little shed at the entrance and they proceeded on to the lobby of the resort.
Sarah shivered and gooseflesh popped up all over her arms. She shuddered and tried to shake the feeling off. Before she thought to say anything to her travel companions, the eerie feeling disappeared and her mind was back on their fun filled weekend right around the corner.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Alex - The Bumbling Buffoon

I have no other way to describe him, other than the title. I remember he had a rather large nose and a nose that could have benefited from the aid of a trimmer. Okay, and maybe those ears too, if I'm being totally honest.  He was short for a man, maybe 5’6 or 5’7. He was stocky with a round belly, but otherwise reasonably attractive. Kind of like Samwise's less attractive brother in Lord of the Rings. He had pretty, blue eyes and a nice smile. And, when he was drinking, he was fun. (I didn’t realize that he would stop being fun when sober).

I wouldn’t say he was a conversationalist by any means. For example, his favorite movie during the time I knew him was Hot Tub Time Machine. Moreover, he watched it repeatedly, and Hangover. Shocking.

Our first date I would have to say was my fault. The whole thing, really, was my fault. I, at the very least, shouldn’t have continued to see him after what transpired on the first date. I can’t remember who asked who out, so that could easily be my fault as well. I used to be very forward back then, but I think it stemmed from a combination of impatience and my perfume, "eau de desperation".

We had met online and I agreed to meet up for a happy hour date on a weekday. (At that time, I foolishly incorporated liquor into my dating, which explains quite a bit). I don’t even remember where it was we met, but I had been there before (not that long before meeting him at that place that has no name) with some girlfriends.  Probably why I thought of the place to meet. Moving along...

I walked in and found him pretty easily at the bar, as he matched his photo. I felt relieved instantly.  It’s not unfathomable to worry about what your date will look like, even if they did supply photos.  People lie and photo shop, or dig for old photos. I smiled and nervously walked over to the bar where he sat and impatiently waited for my drink order. It tamed my nerves, but it also removed inhibitions and good judgment, but you take the good with the bad, right?  (Oh boy)

We laughed and played games at the bar. Before I knew it, it was time for the evening to end and for us to say good night. I probably had more cocktails than I should have, which was a good thing if I could have forseen what was coming next. I'm the happy tipsy drinker, so nothing seems to phase me.

However, I found my nerves building again, wondering if he was going to ask me out again or if he was going to try and get a hug or a kiss from me. I giggled a lot as we sat there waiting for our tab to be delivered. As it was placed in between us, he looked it over and set it back on the bar top as he reached for his wallet.

Once again, I sighed in relief. My last few, recent, experience with dating; it was more going Dutch. Let's be honest, it was more me footing the bill. (I know, I'm an idiot, well was.) He then opened his wallet and flipped through some bills with his thumb before looking up at me. He smirked sheepishly and said, “I’m really sorry, but I think I’m going to be a little short for my half, is that okay?”

Image result for non copyrighted pictures of empty wallets

There are no words…..except that this was not our last date. So, who is the real buffoon here?