Friday, August 25, 2017

Girls' Trip - The Song and Dance - Part V

Sarah spent the next twenty minutes shifting nervously in her chair at the table, and glancing at her phone every couple of minutes.  She chewed at her nails, then drummed them on the table, then chewed on them again. She immediately wiped at her mouth and took a gulp of her drink. She stared at the dirty table in disgust. She huffed then popped up from her chair, heading straight towards the lobby phone still in hand. 

Something feels off. She probably forgot, but why do I have this horrible feeling?

Just as she exited the noisy crowd and emerged into the practically empty foyer, her phone dinged. A text! Thank God!


She smirked at the response, until she realized that she had just left the bar at that very moment. She shook off the goosebumps.  We’ve known each other for years, she just knows me really well or it's merely a coincidence. However, for the for the millionth time that night, a sinking feeling loomed over her.

Sarah tugged at her lip and her eyes settled on her two remaining friends who were now up on stage and belting out an 80s song. The crowd was loving it. Both women were talented and had a knack of picking the songs that revved up the audience. The bar, comprised mostly of men, were cheering, standing up, and singing along with Melinda and Dot. Those two crazy ladies were dancing. They even managed to flirt with with their eyes and their hips. All eyes were on them. Almost all eyes.

Image result for free photos of two women singing karaoke

She felt her cheeks stain red. She felt eyes on her. Back in the bar at the original table where Terry and Sarah had first spied him, was the guy Terry claimed she didn’t know. Once more he was staring in her direction. She hurriedly walked back inside and sat at her table in the midst of the crowd, buried under the men standing all around her. Hidden from his prying eyes. She knew that Terry had in fact lied to her in that moment. She knew it in her gut.

Sarah didn’t even realize she had held her breath until it whooshed out of her. The end of Melinda and Dot's performance and the ferocious chorus of clapping, pulled her of the trance she had succumbed to. As she looked up at their smiling faces, she simultaneously hopped out of her chair. His table sat empty once more, and the sight of Melinda and Dot reminded her instantly of their other friend, Terry.  With the mysterious creeper having made yet another weird appearance, she feared for her friend who sat vulnerable and alone. She had no delusions that if this guy could find Terry at her girls weekend trip, that perhaps he could easily find Terry in their cabin. 

“We have to go!” Sarah said firmly. “We have to check on Terry.”

Both of Melinda and Dot furrowed their brows at the same time.

“What are you talking about? She is fine. Did she send you something or call?” Melinda inquired.

“No.  No, she sent a text saying she was back and safe.  It’s hard to explain, but I just have this feeling that we have to go now. I can explain on the way.” The words began to fly her mouth and she rambled, as she grew more and more panicked.

“Okay. Okay.  Calm down.  We’ll go check on her and if she is okay, we’ll come right back, it’s not that far.” Dot patted her arm as she attempted to soothe her. Melinda nodded and the three paid their tab before walking back down the dark path to the small cottage on the other side of the resort.

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