One of the bright sides to having cancer, is the fun adventure of going to a wig shop and trying on different wigs. I mean I expected it would be a good time. And my expectations were met.

These are photos from their primary location. I went to their secondary shop, but still roughly the same, with lots and lots of other items to browse through as well. Their secondary location is more of a touristy downtown area, so very important to sell the tourist trap items that have little to do with their main product. Like tiny rubber spatulas. I really wanted one. And who doesn't need a tiny cheese grater? So many wonderful items. Facial masks, scarves, tiny silicon bowls, and jewelry. I could go on and on, but the adventure was about hair, not these other things. I'm guessing geared towards fairies or hobbits based on size. :)
I had arrived at the store ahead of my cousin, Jen, so I went in and met with the consultant, Sara. Jen and I had attempted to do this the Wednesday before, but there was confusion on the scheduling. We were scheduled at the primary location and arrived at the secondary. Oops. It wasn't a total loss, we did have a brief happy hour.
Anyway, before Jen came in Sara showed me around and they had many, many wigs. I felt comfortable and almost excited to find one. She brought me all the way to the back to a salon station, which is when Jen arrived and Sara then caught her up to speed.
Right away I picked out 5 to 6 different wigs and tried on all of them. There were heat-resistant wigs, synthetic wigs, hand woven, machine woven, partially hand and machine woven, and human hair wigs.
Surprisingly, I didn't like the human hair wigs. Maybe somewhere inside lay my vanity where I thought my own real hair was nicer than the hair I was seeing on the mannequin heads. So I then went to the synthetic. I tried on a couple of heat resistant ones that were styled, but I felt that many looked too short for some reason. (Likely because they were styled and I just couldn't envision them without the styling)
The hardest part of trying on wigs when you have all of your hair, is that you have all of your hair. I will be wearing this wig when I don't have any hair, so it will fit different. And they can thin it out as well if you want. And the second hardest part, is picking one. I liked two a lot. Similar color and neither heat resistant. But one was more wedding driven and the other every day. I definitely will be going this weekend to get the everyday, I hope.
I now am going through moments of panic right now at the upcoming treatments and it's hard to keep those feelings in all of the time. I've been thinking a lot about my brother and how I have this rare window or opportunity to now know what he went through, whether I want to or not. I know what I have is different, but my heart breaks even more for what he went through. And it's pouring out onto my Facebook. Before I get to Trump level, I might want to have my fiance monitor my posts.
It also makes me think of people in our lives, both mine and Jake's and how some never said a word to him, to me, to if we just didn't exist. Even if we were family. But I can't dwell on that. I have to move forward and stop feeling sorry for myself because those people will always be self-absorbed and I will only drive myself crazy wanting or expecting more from them.
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